Sunday, 30 November 2014

Editing my first scripted video

This week I have been trying to catch up on work that I have missed becuase I was ill for all of last week :( Luckily I was able to help my partner edit the video she had shot. This gave me the opporunity to understand what it was I had missed and learn any information that could help me on my AS media course. We experimented with a range off different shots, editing techniques and added effects to engage the viewer and create a dark setting...
  • Tint - this was useful when trying to create different sceens with different atmospheres, as we could create a dark/light setting. This helped to maintain the dark theme that ran throughout the video.
  • Splicing - we had to splice together different shots, so that they ran smoothly without a change being detected. This helped the whole video come together and look natural to a viewer.
  • Speed - we edited the speed on certain clips in order to spped up certain footage that seemed slow and boring. For example the opening door was speeded by 120%.
  • Contrast & brightness - this was edited on the scenes within the final room to give it an egdy eary theme. This added suspense and set the scene when trying to acchieve a dark setting.
  • Music - we added different genres of music including instrumental and classical to add more depth to the video and create suspence/tension within the viewers.

    Overall this video was successful and I was able to develop my skills further :) 
    Thanks, Amelia 


  1. I'm pleased with the level of detail you've gone into here. I would like to see some screengrabs (and possibly video clips, where relevant - 3-5s, maybe, possibly just gifs) which exemplify your words.

  2. Are you still planning to shoot your own version of this over half-term? If so, you will need to edit it in your own time. You might instead want to comment on Toni's edit and use that to consider how you will work on your own skills. You might also want to do some prep for the continuity project (see my blog and recent email).
